Traditional Spanish Clothing: Interesting Facts.

  • Today, many people consider France the center of the fashion universe, but in the 16th century that distinction went to Spain.
  • Spanish fabrics consist of mostly cotton, wool and fine leather. Tailors in Spain are known for putting attention into detail and craftsmanship.
  • Much of Spanish traditional dress is very colorful. Nowadays, traditional clothing can be seen during bullfights: the matadors costume has remained virtually unchanged.  The bullfighters cloak, the cape de paseo, (worn for his ceremonial entry into the ring) also with his cutinto (semi-circle with a collar) and the rest of his costume is made up of a silk or satin jacket and breeches, richly embroidered almost all over in gold or silver thread and the characteristic black cap.  Around his waist was wrapped the faja (long sash).
  • Bullfighters typically wore red and gold, to symbolize blood and sand.